Cameron Begley
Executive Chairman
Cameron Begley is a consultant focussed on technology transfer and commercialization advisory services. Cameron has experience in senior level management, business development and commercial executive with extensive experience in technology commercialization in public and private sectors. Proven background delivering technical and commercial operations in local and globally networked teams delivering sustainable and profitable technologies to industry. Cameron brings expertise in the areas of:
• Commercial Management
• Technology Commercialization
• Identification and delivery of technologies to market
• Strategy development and implementation in complex operating and external environments
• Leadership in complex problem-solving
Cameron has overseen the delivery of numerous reviews of research and commercialisation programs on behalf of GRDC, RIRDC and Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics and led the commercialization of high fibre wheat technology at Arista Cereal Technologies Pty Ltd. Cameron Begley has presented and written on the broader bioeconomy for the past decade. He co-authored review papers for internal and external audiences and given a number of papers covering technology and policy concepts pertaining to the emerging bio-based economy.
Rohan Rainbow
Executive Director
Rohan Rainbow, has over 30 years of experience in industry leadership in the fields of agronomy, agricultural engineering, robotics and automation, precision agriculture, digital agriculture and big data, farming systems development, crop protection technology, breeding for biotic traits and biosecurity preparedness. Dr Rainbow has extensive experience in leadership, strategic planning, management and delivery of new agricultural technologies resulting in industry practice change. Dr Rainbow has established relationships at senior levels of government, machinery, technology and chemical manufacturers, research and grower organisations, Dr Rainbow has a PhD in soil physics and mechanics and has significant experience in the delivery of:
Reforms to national programs
Technology development
Agricultural industry practice change;
Technology adoption
Dr Rainbow has significant experience in the delivery of reforms to APVMA pesticide minor use, emergency use and Category 25 industry initiated registration programs, was instrumental in the establishment of the cross industry National Working Party on Pesticide Applications and has recently facilitated the establishment of a cross industry AgVet Collaborative Forum. Dr Rainbow has also supported CropLife Australia in delivery of chemical stewardship programs.
Dr Rainbow has overseen the development and implementation of a number of industry and commercial investment strategies in plant breeding, crop protection, biosecurity, food and feed safety, farming systems, precision agriculture, robotics and automation and data. Dr Rainbow has delivered significant support to industry during his role at the GRDC including Theme leader - Protecting Your Crop. Today Dr Rainbow is a consulting adviser to Grain Producers Australia, including leading the recent development of a industry Code of Practice for Agricultural Field Machine Autonomy. Dr Rainbow has overseen the delivery of a number of reviews including the Australian Pastures Genebank, National Pathology, Herbicide Resistance and Invertebrate Pest Initiatives and Herbicide Tolerance Traits for the OGTR. Dr Rainbow also led the national cross industry Accelerating Precision to Decision Agriculture Digital Agriculture program on behalf of all 15 agricultural research and development corporations.
Leecia Angus
Non-Executive Director
Leecia Angus is a senior agricultural executive consultant with extensive experience in leadership, strategic thinking and execution, governance, operational management and building productive relationships offering key strengths in:
Setting strategy, working collaboratively with multiple stakeholders and leading change-management in a complex environment.
Identifying customer needs and designing investment to meet those needs, including feasibility studies, business case development and business plans.
Developing and maintaining productive relationships including with industry groups involving producers, breeding companies and the seed industry.
Leecia is a director on a number of boards, including for profit and not for profit organisations that are community based.
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